Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-Addendum
Meeting date/time: 4/29/2014 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Agenda Packet
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
14-0898 1 National Music WeekProclamationNational Music Week   Action details Video Video
14-0897 1 Motorcycle Safety and Awareness MonthProclamationMotorcycle Safety and Awareness Month   Action details Video Video
14-0899 1 National Correctional Officers and Employees WeekProclamationNational Correctional Officers and Employees Week   Action details Video Video
14-0872 1 Resolution - A Resolution of the City of Mansfield Authorizing the City Manager and the Mansfield Police Department to Make Application, Receive, and Expend Grant Funds from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles Auto Burglary and Theft Prevention AuthoriResolutionResolution - A Resolution of the City of Mansfield Authorizing the City Manager and the Mansfield Police Department to Make Application, Receive, and Expend Grant Funds from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles Auto Burglary and Theft Prevention Authority to Continue a Multi-Agency Task Force Funds Requested will not Exceed $450,000 with a 20% Cash Match of $90,000 RequiredApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0895 1 Resolution - A Resolution Approving the Joint Election Agreement and Contract for Election Services with the Tarrant County Elections Administrator for the May 10, 2014 General ElectionResolutionResolution - A Resolution Approving the Joint Election Agreement and Contract for Election Services with the Tarrant County Elections Administrator for the May 10, 2014 General ElectionApprovedPass Action details Not available
14-0891 1 Minutes - Approval of the April 14, 2014 Regular City Council Meeting MinutesMeeting MinutesMinutes - Approval of the April 14, 2014 Regular City Council Meeting MinutesApproval of MinutesPass Action details Not available
14-0893 1 Minutes - Approval of the April 16, 2014 Special City Council Meeting MinutesMeeting MinutesMinutes - Approval of the April 16, 2014 Special City Council Meeting MinutesApproval of MinutesPass Action details Not available
14-0874 1 Request for Special Event Permit; Mansfield Farmer's Market 2014Special EventRequest for Special Event Permit; Mansfield Farmer's Market 2014ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
14-0892 1 Minutes - Approval of the April 15, 2014 Special City Council Meeting MinutesMeeting MinutesMinutes - Approval of the April 15, 2014 Special City Council Meeting MinutesApproval of MinutesPass Action details Video Video
14-0845 3 Ordinance - Third and Final Reading of an Ordinance Revising the Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Sections of Ordinance 1384 "Water Demand Management / Drought Contingency Plan"ing the Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Sections of OrdinOrdinanceOrdinance - Third and Final Reading of an Ordinance Revising the Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Sections of Ordinance 1384 "Water Demand Management / Drought Contingency Plan"Approved on Third And Final ReadingPass Action details Video Video
14-0860 3 Ordinance - Third and Final Reading of an Ordinance Amending Regulations of Smoking in Chapter 92, “Health and Sanitation” of the Mansfield Code of Ordinances by Adding Definitions for “Electronic Vaping Device” and “Liquid Nicotine;” Amending the DefinitOrdinanceOrdinance - Third and Final Reading of an Ordinance Amending Regulations of Smoking in Chapter 92, “Health and Sanitation” of the Mansfield Code of Ordinances by Adding Definitions for “Electronic Vaping Device” and “Liquid Nicotine;” Amending the Definition of “Smoking” to Include Electronic Vaping Devices; Prohibiting Smoking at City Parks or Recreational Facilities; Prohibiting the Sale and Distribution of Electronic Vaping Devices and Liquid Nicotine to Minors; and Prohibiting the Possession of Electronic Vaping Devices and Liquid Nicotine by MinorsApproved on Third And Final ReadingPass Action details Video Video
14-0881 1 Ordinance - Third and Final Reading of an Ordinance of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Amending “Curfew in Parks,” Chapter 96.24, Parks and Recreation of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Mansfield, Texas; and Providing an EffectiOrdinanceOrdinance - Third and Final Reading of an Ordinance of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Amending “Curfew in Parks,” Chapter 96.24, Parks and Recreation of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Mansfield, Texas; and Providing an Effective DateApproved on First ReadingPass Action details Video Video
14-0873 2 Ordinance - Third and Final Reading to Consider Proposed Amendment of Section 7200.B of the Zoning Ordinance Regarding Construction Standards for Residential Driveways (OA#14-003)OrdinanceOrdinance - Third and Final Reading to Consider Proposed Amendment of Section 7200.B of the Zoning Ordinance Regarding Construction Standards for Residential Driveways (OA#14-003)Approved on Second ReadingPass Action details Video Video
14-0894 1 Consideration and Possible Action to Suspend the Procedural Rules of Council and Reschedule the Regularly Scheduled City Council Meeting of May 26, 2014 to May 27, 2014Discussion ItemConsideration and Possible Action to Suspend the Procedural Rules of Council and Reschedule the Regularly Scheduled City Council Meeting of May 26, 2014 to May 27, 2014ApprovedPass Action details Video Video