ZC#23-001: Public hearing continuation on a change of zoning from C-2, Community Business District to PD, Planned Development District with limited I-1, Light Industrial and Mini-Warehouse uses on approximately 9.94 acres out of the William Lynn Survey, Abstract Number 984, Tarrant County, TX, located at 2351, 2361, 2371, 2381 and 2391 N. Highway U.S. 287; Industrial Reserve, LLC, owner
Existing Use: Vacant
Existing Zoning: C-2, Community Business District, within the FR, Freeway Overlay District
Land Use Plan: Sub-Area 1
Surrounding Land Use & Zoning:
North - Commercial Use, C-2 Community Business District, within the FR, Freeway Overlay District
South - Vacant, PR, Pre-Development District
East - Public Right-of-way for U.S. Highway 287
West - Single-family Residential, SF-5AC/24, Single-Family Residential District
Thoroughfare Plan Specification:
U.S. Highway 287 - Freeway
The Planning and Zoning Commission tabled this case at the January 17, 2023, meeting.
The property owner is requesting a zoning change from C-2, Community Business District to PD, Planned Development District with limited I-1, Light Industrial and mini-warehouse uses on 9.94 acres on the U.S. Highway 287 Frontage Road. The rezoning request is intended to support a business incubator in which a range of light industrial, office, and other complementary commercial uses can be accommodated and a mini-storage facility.
Staff Analysis
The subject property consists of approximately 9.94 acres of vacant land that is generally located near the northern municipal limits of Mansfield. The property is located along U.S. Highway 287, and it is located within an area of Mansfield that is a critical gateway. The future development of the site should leverage and optimize its location in order to achieve development outcomes consistent with Mansfield’s vision for a vibrant, sustainable, and prosperous future.
Although the property commands high visibility from U.S. Highway 287, some businesses permitted under the C-2, Community Business District, may have concerns about locating at the property because of the location of off-ramps onto the U.S. Highway 287 Frontage Road and the location of on-ramps onto U.S. Highway 287 from the Frontage Road.
Further providing challenges to the development of the property include a utility easement that bifurcates the property. The presence of the utility easement may also, coincidentally, create an opportunity for innovation in the design and development of the site.
Those limitations in themselves do not necessarily prevent the property from developing; and the property can be developed to accommodate business incubation and other kinds of businesses that are similar and will not have an adverse impact on adjoining property. Further, site constraints paired with elevated standards for architecture and landscaping can attract, expand, and retain businesses that will expand the tax base and will generate meaningful employment opportunities.
As proposed, the PD, Planned Development District standards would allow for business incubation and other commercial uses that would not have an adverse impact on adjacent property. However, mini-warehouses, storage or sales warehouses, and other industrial uses are not appropriate for the property and are inconsistent with both existing and future development patterns.
Permitted Uses
According to the PD, Planned Development District standards, as proposed, all I-1, Light Industrial uses are permitted except those prohibited by the FR, Freeway Overlay District and the specific uses listed in the PD standards. The proposed PD, Planned Development District standards would also permit mini-warehouses and storage and sales warehouses with site plan approval. Those uses requiring a Specific Use Permit (SUP) under the I-1, Light Industrial District would be reviewed and approved in accordance with the provisions in Section 155.080, Specific Use Permit, of the Code of Ordinances.
Prohibited Uses
Also, according to the PD, Planned Development District standards, as proposed, and in addition to those uses that are expressly prohibited by the FR, Freeway Overlay District, the following uses would be expressly prohibited:
A. Adult Entertainment Establishment.
B. Building Material or Lumber Yard.
C. Bus Station or Terminal.
D. Cleaning, Laundry Plant.
E. Clothing Manufacturing or Light Fabrication and Assembly
F. Dyeing Plant.
G. Motor Freight Terminal.
H. Open Storage or Outdoor Storage.
I. Parking Lot, Truck.
J. Pawn Shop.
K. Recreational Vehicle Sales, Including RV Trailers.
L. Temporary Storage of Impounded Vehicle.
M. Trailer or Manufactured Housing Sales or Rental.
N. All Manufacturing and Industrial Uses listed on the Permitted Use Table under Heading J (i.e., Section 155.054, Permitted Uses, of the Code of Ordinances).
Site Plan
The applicant’s site plan (Exhibit C) does not fully provide details for the business incubation buildings on the north part of the property. No proposed use or information was provided for the southern part of the property. As the site plan is limited in detail, the development must rely on the proposed PD, Planned Development District standards and the City’s other codes and ordinances to provide the necessary development regulations for this project.
The PD, Planned Development District standards require parking to be calculated according to the City’s parking regulations in Section 155.091, Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards, of the Code of Ordinances. The site plan shows 38 parking spaces in the middle of the development will be secured storage for trucks, trailers or equipment.
Building Elevations
The building elevations included with this proposed PD, Planned Development District in Exhibit D are not fully consistent with the provisions for architecture and urban design as set forth in Section 155.056, Community Design Standards, of the Code of Ordinances. The site is highly visible from U.S. Highway 287, and it inherently provides tremendous opportunities to incorporate and to leverage elevated architectural considerations such as exterior finish material selection; window treatment; anchoring corners that reinforce view corridors; and visually defining space that fosters and nurtures pedestrian activity. Conceptual images of the mini-warehouse facility are also included in the proposed PD, Planned Development District standards under Exhibit D.
Landscape Plan
No landscape plan was provided, but the applicant shows passive space on the site plan. Pursuant to the recently updated provisions for landscaping under Section 155.092, Landscaping and Screening Standards, of the Code of Ordinances, the minimum area of passive space for a commercial project is ten (10) percent of the total building area. The applicant proposes passive space with a minimum of five (5) percent of the building area. To discourage the location of passive space in areas that are not easily accessible or that are most desirable for development, the provisions of Section 155.092, Landscaping and Screening Standards, of the Code of Ordinances require that passive space must be entered directly from a thoroughfare, a walkway or other pedestrian path, and be visible to the public. The proposed passive space location, in the northwest corner of the property, does not meet these requirements.
In place of a landscape plan, the proposed PD, Planned Development District standards defers to Section 155.092, Landscaping and Screening Standards, of the Code of the Code of Ordinances. This Section requires the following:
• Landscaping in the bufferyards along property lines, as required
• One canopy tree for every ten spaces in the parking lot
• Foundation plantings at the buildings
• Screening of parking lots, dumpster locations, and ground mounted equipment
• Residential proximity features along the western property line, including a 20-foot bufferyard and an 8-foot masonry wall
A landscape plan demonstrating compliance with the provisions of Section 155.092, Landscaping and Screening Standards, of the Code of Ordinances must be submitted for review and approval with any site plan application.
The applicant proposes two (2) driveways from the U.S. Highway 287 Frontage Road. These driveways must be approved by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). A traffic impact analysis may be required by TxDOT to determine if improvements are needed for the frontage road depending on the predominant use of the property (i.e., office versus industrial). Further any development in proximity to the utility easement will require appropriate coordination.
Although the recommendations provided for in the Official Land Use Plan for Sub-Area 1 generally support development patterns of low intensities, there is a noticeable presence of medium intensity (i.e., commercial) development in proximity to this property.
Mini-warehouses and storage or sales warehouses are not the most appropriate uses of land in this area, and should not be included as a permitted use under this proposed PD, Planned Development District.
The architectural and landscaping considerations for this project can be elevated; as this property is located along stretch of U.S. Highway 287, the design and construction of the buildings and the design and installation of landscaping should leverage this opportunity. This may be achieved through purposeful building arrangement and design; integrating towers and other similar architectural features at corners with visibility from the highway; and locating the required passive space in an area that is more accessible and visible to the public.
Although staff supports the property’s development for non-residential uses, it is vital that the property be developed in a manner that encourages other orderly and quality growth. Collectively, the uses, landscaping, and architecture should present a strong visual image to the community and its surrounding environs. While there are elements of this proposed PD, Planned Development District that meet that goal, there are some considerations that detract from this goal. Staff recommends the following:
1. That mini-warehouses and storage or sales warehouses be prohibited uses under the PD, Planned Development District.
2. That a minimum of ten (10) percent of the building area be expressly dedicated to passive space in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 155.092, Landscaping and Screening Standards, of the Code of Ordinances.
3. That a provision be inserted into the PD, Planned Development District standards requiring a detailed site plan for all proposed development subject to review and approval by the Director of Planning.
4. That a provision be inserted into the PD, Planned Development District standards that in the event of a conflict between the text (i.e., written) provisions of this PD, Planned Development District or any of its diagrams and illustrations (i.e., exhibits) that the provisions of the text shall take precedence.
5. That a provision be inserted into the PD, Planned Development District standards that the maximum length of a building façade shall be 200 feet.
Maps and Supporting Information
Exhibit A - Legal Description
Exhibit B - PD, Planned Development District Regulations
Exhibit C - Site Plan
Exhibit D - Elevations