SUP#22-007: Public Hearing on a Request for a Specific Use Permit for Row Houses, in the D, Downtown District, D-2, Urban Transition Zone on approximately 0.638 acres being a portion of Block 27, Original Town of Mansfield, according to the plat recorded in Volume 63, Page 53, City of Mansfield in Tarrant County Texas, located at 204 S 1st Avenue
Existing Use: Vacant
Existing Zoning: D, Downtown District (D-2, Urban Transition Zone)
Land Use Plan: Sub-Area 3
Surrounding Land Use & Zoning:
North - Existing Single-Family
South - Existing Single-Family
East - Commercial and Civic Uses
West - Vacant and Existing Single-Family
The Specific Use Permit (SUP) request is for a use --- row houses --- that may require special consideration in certain settings or are of a public or semi-public character often essential or desirable for the general convenience and welfare of the community, which without specific consideration may have possible adverse impact on neighboring properties. Pursuant to the provisions in Section 155.080 of the Zoning Ordinance and the provisions set forth for the D, Downtown District, the SUP for row houses is compatible with the surrounding land uses and is consistent with the Official Land Use Plan and the Downtown Development Strategies.
Staff Analysis
The applicant is proposing construction of a new 10-unit row house development. A “Row House” is defined in the D, Downtown District Code as a “single-family dwelling that shares a party wall with another of the same type and occupies the full width of the front setback.” Row houses are on individual platted lots and typically share common spaces and accessways. This use is allowed in the D-2, Urban Transition Zone of the D, Downtown District with an SUP. As proposed, the development will consist of units with a minimum habitable area of 2,075 sf (the zoning district requires a minimum of 1,800 square feet).
Site Plan
The site plan proposes the construction of 2 new buildings, each housing 5 separate row houses. The buildings are 2-story with a rooftop deck for each unit. All access to garages occur via a shared driveway. To the rear of the property, there is a private community space with a shade structure and fenced dog yard/park.
The buildings have stoop frontages along both First Avenue and Alvarado Street. The building that faces Alvarado Street also has a unit with a side wall that faces First Avenue. The development has provided a low-fenced door yard as well as secondary covered entrances to ensure that the unit maintains strong visual interest along that frontage. Both buildings are predominately masonry construction --- using light colored brick with banding details and metal accents along alternating roof lines. The architectural of the character of the proposed development is in strict alignment with the standards provided under the D, Downtown District.
The Official Land Use Plan identifies Sub-Area 3 as an area ripe for medium to high density residential and states that the more people/population that can be brought to the downtown area the more business and commercial uses will expand and help downtown to become a vibrant core. The D, Downtown District was created to realize this vision --- and the allowance of higher intensity residential development integrated into the existing residential fabric is key to supporting future Downtown growth. The site is one block off of Main Street, and with a two-story height the buildings are not obtrusive to the current residential fabric. Further, the presence of row houses will help to diversify the housing options within Downtown and the surrounding neighborhoods, a critical goal of the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission. Staff has worked with the development team to ensure that the materials and frontages complement the existing single-family homes and future redevelopment.
Pursuant to the provisions set forth in Section 155.080 of the Zoning Ordinance and the D, Downtown District, the SUP for Row Houses is compatible with the surrounding land uses and is consistent with the Land Use Plan. Staff recommends approval of the SUP as presented.
Maps and Supporting Information
Exhibit A - Legal Description
Exhibit B - Development Plan (Site Plan, Floor Plan, Elevations, and Landscape Plan)