ZC#22-019: Public hearing continuation on a change of zoning from SF-12/22, Single-Family Residential District and PD, Planned Development District to PD, Planned Development District for single-family attached (brownstones) and multi-family residential uses on approximately 9.77 acres out of the Henry Odell Survey, Abstract No. 1196, Tarrant County, Texas, on property located at 1725 E. Broad Street and 257 Carlin Road; Bridgeview Real Estate, owner/developer and Nelson Family Revocable Trust, owner
Existing Use: Vacant
Existing Zoning: PR, Pre-Development District, SF-12/22, Single-Family Residential District and PD, Planned Development District
Land Use Plan: Sub-Area 5
Surrounding Land Use & Zoning:
North - Single-family residential and vacant, PR, Pre-Development District
South - Single-family residential and commercial, PR, Pre-Development District, SF-12/22 Single Family Residential District and PD, Planned Development District for the Shops at Broad Street
East - Single-family residential and vacant, PR, Pre-Development District and SF-12/22 Single Family Residential District
West - Retail/commercial, PD, Planned Development District for the Shops at Broad Street
Thoroughfare Plan Specification:
US Highway 287 - Freeway
E. Broad Street - 6-lane divided principal arterial street
Carlin Road - 2-lane residential street
The Planning and Zoning Commission tabled the applicant’s request to rezone the subject property to PD, Planned Development District on January 3, 2023, due to the withdrawal of one of the property owners --- the 8.653 acres of land located at 261 Carlin Road --- from the zoning application. The revisions to the applicant’s zoning request to exclude the 8.653 acres of land from the proposed project.
As presented, the applicant is requesting to rezone the property from SF-12/22, Single-Family Residential District and PD, Planned Development District to PD, Planned Development District for single-family attached (brownstones) and multi-family residential dwellings on approximately 9.77 acres of land.
The property currently has zoning entitlement for 330 multi-family dwelling units under the Shops at Broad Street, PD, Planned Development District. The applicant is requesting 58 additional multi-family dwelling units --- for a total of 388 units --- and the construction of 24 brownstones as part of this proposed zoning change.
Staff Analysis
The revised plan for the Homes at the Alexander consists of two tracts totaling 9.77 acres of land for multi-family dwelling units and brownstones. The performance (development) standards for each tract are described below:
Tract 1
Tract 1 is approximately two (2) acres and is anticipated to deliver 24 brownstones. The brownstones will be between two (2) and three (3) stories in height. Each dwelling unit will have a minimum habitable area of 1,500 square feet and be located on a separate lot of at least 1,200 square feet. No more than five (5) units may be under the same roof.
The architectural standards for the brownstones draw inspiration from the standards that are in the D, Downtown District and in the S, South Mansfield Form-Based Development District. Buildings must primarily use brick or stone; and cementitious fiber board, stucco or wood can be used as an accent material on no more than 20 percent of the total wall area. To encourage visual interest and architectural diversity, building frontages (e.g., dooryards and stoops) must vary from lot to lot and cannot be repeated more than twice on the same block face or across the street. All building frontages must feature a dooryard frontage or stoop frontage. Design inspirations are shown in Exhibit C.
In addition to accessing the Walnut Creek Linear Park Trail, the developer proposes to locate an amenity center to serve the residents of the brownstones as shown on Exhibit EX-B1. Landscaping is also proposed to be provided as shown on Exhibit D.
Each dwelling unit will have a minimum of two parking spaces located in a garage. The garage must be accessed from an alley or driveway to the rear of the building. Additional surface parking has been provided for visitors.
The brownstones will be accessed from the Shops at Broad Street and will be served by private driveways. The brownstones will have no access to Carlin Road.
Tract 2
Tract 2 is approximately 7.77 acres and is proposed to contain the multi-family dwelling units. This property currently derives its zoning standards from the Shops at Broad Street PD, Planned Development District and has entitlement for construction of up to 330 multi-family residential dwellings. The developer included this property in this rezoning request to create a more cohesive development with the proposed brownstones and the existing single-family lots in order to ensure an appropriate transition in land use intently following the principles, practices, and philosophies of transect-based urbanism. The proposed PD, Planned Development District standards for the multi-family dwelling units are designed to encourage a higher quality product than the current standards in the Shops at Broad Street PD, Planned Development District require.
Under the proposed zoning change, the applicant would be permitted to build a maximum of 388 multi-family dwelling units (58 additional units) in a four-story building with a five-story parking structure. The building design includes a mix of building materials, including, brick, metal panels, and fiber cement to create a variated façade with different textures. The building also features articulation to create multiple planes, balconies, and dooryards on the ground floor units facing the park trail. The proposed building elevations are shown in Exhibit C.
Facing the Shops at Broad Street, the front of the building will have a decorative plaza at the leasing office. Two (2) pool courtyards, one at each end of the building, will be available to the residents. Two (2) additional pocket parks are incorporated into the east façade of the building. Landscaping will be provided along the plaza and linear trail, and in the surface parking lot as shown on Exhibit D.
There are 528 parking spaces in the proposed parking structure for the residents. An additional 52 spaces in the structure have been designated for use by the Star Center. The surface parking between the apartment building and the Star Center will have seven spaces for the residents and 115 spaces for the Star Center. A portion of the fire lane on the east side of the building will be constructed with geoblock grass pavers. This will allow for a reconfiguration of a future driveway and parking lot connection to the City property to the east should it develop.
To appropriately reinforce construction of the brownstones with the multi-family residential dwelling units, a phasing plan is provided. Phasing of the multi-family dwelling units is tied to the construction and inspection of the brownstones. No more than 191 of the 388 total multi-family dwelling units may be leased or occupied prior to the construction and final inspection of all the brownstones.
As proposed, this development offers a mix of housing opportunities intended to transition from the rural / exurban setting on Carlin Road to more intense commercial uses found in the Shops at Broad Street. The brownstones and multi-family dwelling units are intended to create visual interest using architectural elements such as dooryards or stoops and a wide palette of building materials.
While being sensitive to the Carlin Road neighborhood, the project will uniquely contribute to the mixed-use character envisioned for the Shops at Broad Street. The architectural and urban design standards as generally proposed under this PD, Planned Development District are elevated and support the vision for development along the U.S. Highway 287 Corridor.
The presence of multi-family residential is generally compatible with the surrounding land uses. However, it is important to note that land use compatibility is not relegated solely to the permitted activities; it also includes and contemplates the intentional integration of the use within the urban fabric through quality architecture, landscaping, and other traditional neighborhood design practices that generate cultural, economic, and physical value for the property and its immediate environs well into the future.
While there are several elements of this proposed PD, Planned Development District that achieve this end, there are some elements that detract from the same. The applicant and Staff have collaborated on the provisions under this proposed PD, Planned Development District and there are some considerations that Staff believes are critical:
1) Retaining walls be limited to a maximum height of four (4) feet; and retaining walls shall be made of brick or brick veneer or local stone or local stone veneer and are capped.
2) No more than 191 of the 388 total multi-family dwelling units to be constructed on Tract 2 shall be leased or occupied prior to the construction and final inspection of all the brownstones to be constructed on Tract 1 in accordance with the site plan subject to review and approval by the Director of Planning.
Maps and Supporting Information
Exhibit A - Legal Description
Exhibit B - PD standards and Development Plan
Exhibit C - Elevations
Exhibit D - Landscape Plan
Exhibit E - Sign Plan